Belmont SEPAC
What is the Belmont Special Education Parent Advisory Council (Belmont SEPAC)?
Belmont SEPAC is a parent advisory council as mandated by Massachusetts state law (Chapter 71B). We are dedicated family members of children with disabilities, who educate each other, who collaborate with school professionals and who exchange ideas and information. We welcome participation from all interested community members.
Contact us: Email Belmont Sepac Visit Us: Facebook
What We Do
We advocate for a quality education for all students in the Belmont Public Schools, in particular those with special needs.
We advise the Belmont school administration and School Committee on special education issues.
We assist families to effectively participate in the special education process.
We acknowledge school professionals and community members in their efforts to support our children
How We Do It:
We provide workshops, presentations, and discussions for families and professionals.
We meet regularly with school administrators and the School Committee.
We communicate via our newsletter, web site, and list-serve.
We host the annual Appreciation Awards in May.
We organize an afternoon of games, crafts, and food for children with special needs and their families.
We sponsor a support group.
We offer a resource library at the Chenery School.
IEP: Important Reminder
IEPs must be based on your child’s needs, including all instruction and services necessary to meet your child’s needs
IEPs cannot be based on limited services currently available due to COVID-19 health and safety requirements
IEP: Recordatorio Importante
El IEP debe basarse en las necesidades de tu hijo(a), incluyendo toda la instrucción y servicios necesarios para satisfacer esas necesidades
El IEP no debe basarse sólo en los servicios limitados que están actualmente disponibles durante COVID-19 debido a los requerimientos de salud
Belmont SEPAC Appreciation Awards
The Belmont SEPAC trys to host an annual Appreciation Awards dinner each year to recognize teachers, staff, aides, bus drivers, and any other support person that has assisted children with different abilities (ie: on an I.E.P.) with their education. As those who have attended in previous years can attest, this is a memorable and meaningful celebration for the nominees and the nominators, as well as family, friends and colleagues.
To nominate a person Email Belmont Sepac