Class Officers

Class officers are elected in May for a one-year term effective immediately. Freshmen class officers are elected in September. Each class elects a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. The senior class has an additional officer, the assistant treasurer.

Advisers to the School Committee

  • Andrew Ge

  • Mark Guzelian

  • Max Kats

  • Yuanheng Mao

  • Larry Zhang

Greater Boston Regional Student Advisory Council

  • Ali Masoud

  • Michael Wessman

Student Government Officers

Election to a class officer’s position is a significant honor and responsibility. Class officers are class leaders and role models and should abide by the rules in the Student Handbook and maintain academic eligibility (MIAA Standard) in order to participate in Student Government. If a class officer fails to meet these expectations, the Principal may suspend or revoke a student’s class office.

Their first responsibility is to carry out their duties as outlined in the Constitution.

Student Government Constitution Preamble

The name of this association shall be the Belmont High School Student Government. Its membership is open to all students of Belmont High School.

The purpose of this organization shall be to provide:

  • a means to improve student participation and communication in student government activities;

  • an understanding and education in the democratic processes as practiced in the United States;

  • opportunity and incentive for leadership;

  • a fostering of closer relationships between the Student Government and various class governments;

  • and a channel for student participation with faculty and administration in projects of school wide concern

Areas of Student Responsibility

  • The Student Government is responsible to the Principal.

  • The Student Government is responsible to the students as follows:

It shall:

  1. present proposals of student concern for consideration by the faculty and administration. Consideration means to talk, think and act accordingly

  2. build communication through the school in order to inform students, teachers and administrators of student interests

  3. join faculty and administration on projects of general concern such as curriculum planning and uses of the building

  4. study applications for charters of new clubs and recommend them to the administration

  5. initiate procedures to discontinue clubs that no longer reflect student interests and make recommendations to the administration

  6. join with the faculty and administration in the formulation of a written behavior code

  7. compose and publish a handbook describing the school for the information of students and parents

  8. organize and carry out an orientation program for all new students

  9. program student assemblies

  10. direct student elections

  11. establish a student grievance board

Student Government Structure

  1. The Student Government shall consist of:

    1. the five student advisors to the school committee

    2. representatives from each class elected at large

    3. the President of each class

  2. The Student Government is responsible to the students as follows:
    It shall:

    1. present proposals of student concern for consideration by the faculty and administration. These proposals are to be determined by bimonthly ballots cast by interested members of the student body, as well as by the general consensus of the student government.

    2. build communication through the school in order to inform students, teachers, and administrators of student interests.

  3. Student Government members shall be elected as follows:

    1. The five student advisors to the school committee will be elected in the spring for a one-year term, and shall take office in June

    2. Four representatives from each class will be elected at large. This election will be held in September. They will hold office until the next election.

    3. The class officers shall be elected in May for a one-year term, and shall take office on June 1.

    4. The chairperson of the Student Government shall be one of the five advisors to the school committee elected in September by the other members of the Student Government.

  4. An executive board shall determine the agenda for formal meetings of the Student Government. The executive board is composed of five student government members elected by the S.G. at the first meeting in September and includes the sdf as presiding officer.

  5. All meetings of the Student Government are open to the entire student body.

  6. Duties of the Student Government Chairperson are as follows:

    1. to preside at meetings of the Executive Board as a voting member;

    2. to preside at meetings of the Student Government as a voting member;

    3. to carry out decisions of the Student Government;

    4. to call executive board meetings of the Student Government;

    5. to keep in close communication with the Principal and Faculty Advisor

  7. Duties of each Student Government Member are as follows:

    1. to attend all meetings of the Student Government;

    2. to fulfill the responsibilities of Student Government as outlined in the Constitution.


Amendments to this Constitution shall require the approval of two thirds of the Student Government and a majority of the students. 


Ratification of this plan of government shall be by a majority vote of the students.