Message from your School Principal
22 December 2023

Message from your School Principal

Dear Winn Brook families,

Many thanks to those of you who were able to attend our Concert and Open Houses. I want to thank Shannon Sinclair, our music teacher extraordinaire, for the AMAZING job putting together the concert and attending to all the details. Reports have been glowing. One parent told me he had been to a great number of the WB concerts, and this was the best ever.. Thank you also to staff for their flexibility with rehearsals and their support during the concert and welcoming parents at the doors. Thank you also to PTA for the microphones which made a world of difference!

Let us not forget the students who did an amazing job rehearsing and presenting. Those who had solo parts exemplified the school mascot, Winnie who is willing to stick his neck out and take a risk. Well done.

Thank you to the students and staff for providing the opportunity for parents to visit classrooms. Students were very excited for families to attend the Open House, view their work and gain a snapshot of life in the students’ specific grade levels. We hope you enjoyed this opportunity as much as we did.

Thank you for all you do and the kindness you have shown staff and me. Being here at Winn Brook has been such a joy for me. Winn Brook is such a special and unique place. I must admit, this is the only school that has provided me with rain shower INSIDE.

Happy holidays and enjoy your winter break!
