World Languages
We believe that all students should have the opportunity to learn to communicate in a new language. Through a well-articulated, engaging program, we will guide students to increasing levels of proficiency, cultural awareness, and a passion for lifelong language learning. By making connections with other disciplines and through cross-cultural comparisons and the use of authentic materials, students will acquire the fundamental skills to succeed in a global community.
In grade 7 and 8, world language is a major subject, and students receive instruction every day. The goal of the middle school world language program is mastery of the Novice stage of language learning in order to prepare the students to successfully continue their language study at the Intermediate level at the high school. Students have the option of continuing with the same language or selecting a new language for the 9th grade
Grade 7th
Chinese, French, and Spanish:
The focus of 7th grade World Language classes is on communication: using all four skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) to participate in meaningful exchanges of information in the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes. Grammar and vocabulary are taught as a means to accomplish that communication successfully. Students demonstrate their mastery of specific skills through a variety of means such as quizzes, tests, role-plays, presentations, interpersonal conversations, writing samples, and more. The study of the target culture is integrated throughout the curriculum. Linguistic and cultural comparisons provide students with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of their own language and culture. As students’ skills in the target language build, there are increased opportunities to make connections with other disciplines as well as to participate in communities of native speakers.
In this course, students work to develop their interpretive communication skills by reading a variety of texts in Latin, acquiring new vocabulary and language structures along the way. Throughout the year, students are assessed on their ability to read Latin texts and understand grammar concepts. Students demonstrate their mastery of specific skills through quizzes, tests, translations and written compositions. In addition to learning grammar and syntax, students study the culture and history of the Roman people, centering on the Roman religion, government, and Pompeii. These culture units enable the students to begin to understand who the Roman people were, what their accomplishments were, how they influenced modern cultures and why it is so important to study their language.
Grade 8th
Chinese, French, & Spanish:
8th grade courses in Chinese, French, and Spanish build on the skills and communicative goals from the previous years of study. Students are expected to integrate more grammar structures, verb tenses, and vocabulary units as the complexity and length of discourse increases. As in grade 7, students are asked to demonstrate what they know and can do with the language through a variety of achievement and performance assessment tasks.
In 8th grade Latin, students continue to develop the reading and interpreting skills learned in previous years. As in 7th Grade, student understanding is assessed through quizzes, tests, translations and written compositions. 8th Graders also continue to study the culture and history of the Roman people, centering on the city of Rome, the Roman emperors, and the Roman army. By the end of the middle school course of study, 8th Graders have a solid understanding of who the Romans were, why they were an important group in history and why a person would and should study the Latin language.