PTA Events Calendar

Event Descriptions and Volunteer Opportunities
Membership drive and ice cream social
At the beginning of the school year, the pta welcomes new and returning butler students and parents to meet, play, and mingle! This is the main night to encourage parents to sign up for pta membership which directly supports all students’ academic programs at butler. Everyone who signs up for membership is entered in a raffle for some amazing prizes! We need parent volunteers during the picnic to help serve food, run the raffle and answer parents’ questions about butler and the pta.
Picture day
A photographer comes to the butler school to take individual portraits and class photographs of all the students. All students can keep their class photos, and parents may purchase the individual photographs to keep. Parent volunteers wait with students and encourage great smiles for their photographs!
Walk/bike to school day
This event is an active push to encourage parents and students to leave the car at home and walk or bike to school. There are designated meet up spots on the way to school for people to gather and walk together. Parent volunteers walk with students, welcome students at the butler playground as they arrive, and hand out stickers.
Garden clean up/planting
The butler is maintained by the pta where we grow flowers and herbs, as well as compost. Parent volunteers help students weed, water, and tidy up the garden.
Fun run
The fun run is the primary fundraiser for the butler pta, with the goal to raise over $18,000 to support field trips and in-school enrichment programs. The students collect pledges from friends, family, and neighbors and then participate in a multi lap run around the butler school. Parent volunteers organize the fun run with the fun run committee, meeting throughout the month of october to elicit sponsorships, manage the student donations, and coordinate all the logistics to make the fun run happen.
Art night
This is a butler student art show (every other year) where students can create art for display in the school for their fellow students and parents to come and view one evening! Parent volunteers organize, set-up, run art activities, and clean-up for this event.
Literacy week
This week-long celebration of literacy includes special guest readers and a fundraiser at belmont books. Parent volunteers help coordinate events and distribute reading rewards.
Snack drive for staff
A parent volunteer works with a member of butler staff to organize and promote a week-long snack drive for our incredible butler teachers.
Stem night
This is a fun evening (every other year) where parents organize math and science games and experiments, giving butler students the opportunity to experience math and science in exciting ways. Parent volunteers create and run the games and experiments that evening, as well as help set up and clean up the activities.
Multicultural night
This is a fun event (every other year) where parents can celebrate the wonderful cultures at Butler. This is where students and families can display different parts of their culture, share food, art, games or more with the school community. Parent volunteers create and run the tables that evening, as well as help set up and clean up the activities.
Spring dance
This is a fun school dance where butler students and their parents can dance the evening away to a local dj. *this is not a drop off event.* parent volunteers set up and clean up.
Talent show
This is a show (every other year) where butler students display their many talents by performing individuals or group acts. There is a dress rehearsal prior to the talent show to run through the performances.
Teacher appreciation week
This week is filled with different activities each day; such as dress up like a teacher, high five a teacher, write notes to a teacher; where students show their appreciation for their teachers! As part of the teacher appreciation week, the butler pta hosts a staff luncheon.
Staff luncheon
The butler pta hosts this luncheon in appreciation for the butler staff and teachers. Teachers are treated to a fun and delicious spread of food. Parent volunteers set up, decorate the area, clean up, and provide food.
Color day
Color day is butler’s end of the year field day that is full of fun games and activities. It is one morning filled with field day games; such as a water balloon toss, a sack relay, an obstacle course. Parent volunteers run the games and serve the refreshments.
Moving on ceremony
3rd graders celebrate moving on from the butler with a ceremony attended by parents in the morning, and then an afternoon party with their classmates. Parent volunteers form the committee that plans the ceremony and the party. There are various tasks of varying hours for which the members of the committee are responsible.