
Program Description

The Belmont Integrated Preschool Program is designed for children ages of 3-5 who require special education programming. Typically developing neighborhood children are also enrolled to ensure integrated classrooms have strong, appropriate peer models. Each classroom enrolls up to 15 children. Of these 15 children, 7 will have identified special needs, and 8 will be typically developing peers who pay tuition to attend. The preschool curriculum is aligned with the MA State Early Childhood Program Learning Standards. Students are engaged in developmentally appropriate language rich activities throughout the school day to promote communication, social, emotional, cognitive, and motor development.

Belmont Integrated Preschool Program

Wellington Elementary School
121 Orchard Street
Belmont, MA 02478


The preschool classrooms have different hours, and parents will receive specific classroom placement information with their acceptance letters.


Patricia Toohig NardoneEarly Childhood Director

Special Education

If your child is between 3-5 years of age and you have concerns about his/her development in any area, please contact us. After speaking with the Preschool Director, we may schedule an initial screening, and based on the results of the screening conduct a follow-up evaluation. Belmont is a public school system; therefore these services are free to all Belmont residents. The Preschool Team of professionals includes the following:

  • Special Education Teachers

  • Speech/Language Pathologists

  • Occupational Therapist

  • Physical Therapist

  • School Psychologist

  • Early Childhood Director

  • Professional Aides

Tuition and Payment Information

Tuition payments are for children who do not qualify for special education services through an IEP. The Preschool tuition is as follows:

  • $100 non-refundable deposit to secure placement

  • 4 day AM or PM - $3,550

  • 4 day extended - $5,100 (limited enrollment)

You will receive a tuition bill for one half of the total due prior to the school year, and another for the remaining balance due on mid-way through the school year.

A check made out to “Belmont Public Schools” may be mailed to:

Belmont Public Schools
644 Pleasant Street
Belmont, MA 02478
Attention: Maura Piacitelli

Admission Process for Neighborhood Peer Models

Neighborhood children who are not on an IEP and who reside in Belmont may be considered for a peer model slot. Peer models must be 3 years old by September 1st, and cannot be age eligible for Kindergarten. If you are a resident of Belmont, and would like to pursue a peer model slot in an integrated preschool classroom, please complete an application (see process below).

Once your application has been received, the Early Childhood Director will contact you regarding next steps. All peer models will be screened by the preschool team to ensure they exhibit strong language, learning, and social skills. A screening date will be scheduled in January or February. When there are more peer models interested in enrolling than space allows, a waiting list is created. After the screening, you will be notified either with an acceptance letter or a waitlist letter. If your child is accepted, you will be responsible for a $100 non-refundable deposit to secure placement. If your child has been placed on the waitlist you will be notified by the Early Childhood Director when space is available. If you have applied after the screening, the Early Childhood Director will contact you with more information. 

Preschool Registration

* Please read Program Description above before registering. Children must be approved by the preschool department prior to submitting an online registration.

Registration Steps

  1. Submit a preschool application on our BPS Registration site (Please choose Wellington Elementary from the school drop-down).

  2. After your application has been submitted you will receive notification from the Early Childhood Director. 

  3. Once your child has been approved, you will be emailed to log back into the BPS Registration site to submit all required registration documents.  List of the Required Documents is below:

1: Proof of Residency

If you own a home:

  • Deed or mortgage payment

  • Light Bill from Belmont Light within past 60 days (if just moved, can get light order but must provide first bill to school)

If you rent your home:

  • Light Bill from Belmont Light within past 60 days (if just moved, can get light order but must provide first bill to school)

  • Residency Verification Form  signed and notarized Residency Verification Form from legal owner/landlord of home; please print out for landlord to get notarized);

  • Lease - must show current year and full lease signed by landlord and tenant 

2: Proof of Identification

  • birth certificate (passport if none)

  • government-issued photo identification of one parent or legal guardian

3: Health Records

To apply for the Belmont Integrated Preschool, please click here.