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Lesson 1: Rain Forest 5 Senses Poem

Hello, first grade rain forest poets, friends and families. We hope you enjoyed reading Mr. Levy's Fourth Grade Big Friends and Ms. LaRoche's First Grade Little Friends' poems. Would you like to write a 5 senses rain forest poem, too? Print out a copy of this activity and use your imagination to create a terrific rain forest poem of your own! Please illustrate the page and bring it back to school to share with our class.

Click here to get print version of the assignment.

Lesson 2: Friendship Rain Forest Animal and Plant Chart.

Hello, tropical rain forest scientists! Please print a copy of this challenging learning activity and complete the chart with your families and friends. You are developing excellent research skills in first grade so be sure to teach your learning partner how to gather information by reading the text and the illustrations in books and magazines. Please draw pictures of both plants and animals that live in the rain forest and bring this chart back to school to share with your class!

Click here to get print version of the assignment.

Have fun!
Ms. LaRoche
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