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The Great Royal Wedding

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Composer: Holst

Music: Jupiter, the Bringer of Jolity

Music Period: 20th Century (1900-2000)


The Great Royal Wedding

by N.P., J.A., C.A., and J.P.

N.P.: Once upon a time, a beautiful princess and a charming prince were having a great wedding in the new church down in the green valley.

J.A.: Soon the lovely flower girl came in and threw rose and tulip flower petals on the dirty ground.

C.A.: Then the handsome ring boy gave the silver rings to the princess and the prince.

J.P.: They went to a fancy party where they danced and danced and danced all night!

N.P.: After the fancy party, they went to the Bahamas.

J.A.: When they came back from the Bahamas the new queen was pregnant and the king was happy.

C.A.: In nine months, the queen had a baby named Diane. When she grew up, she loved to listen to classical music by Holst, Beethoven and Brahms.

All: The End.


The Great Royal Wedding


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© 2001 Donna LaRoche & Marco Ambrosoli
Last Modified: Tuesday, May 29, 2001