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The Exciting Circus

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Composer: Chopin

Music: Etude No. 9, Op. 25

Music Period: Romantic


The Exciting Circus

by L.B., A.M, and J.S.

L.B.: Once there was a wonderful circus. A little girl and a big boy went to see it. They saw a juicy pear and split it in half.

A.M.: They magically turned into funny clowns! They juggled crunchy apples and sweet pears and then six apples fell from a picnic basket. The six talented and amazing kids ate them!

J.S.: They turned into awesome and cool musicians. They played trumpets, drums flutes, pianos, organs and a French horn!


The Exciting Circus


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© 2001 Donna LaRoche & Marco Ambrosoli
Last Modified: Tuesday, May 29, 2001