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Jennifer Murphy Brown - Piano

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Jennifer Murphy BrownJennifer Murphy BrownJennifer Murphy BrownMusical Morning - Tuesday, June 5

(Click on pictures to view full size)

1. Name of Instrument: Piano

2. Instrument Family: Keyboard

3. At what age did you start studying music?


4. Why did you choose this instrument?

My mother was the person who first got me interested in the piano. A friend of the family had given us a piano. I took lessons with my two younger brothers.

5. Why do you enjoy playing this instrument?

I find it very relaxing. Even though I haven't taken lessons in quite a long time, I can always sit down at the piano and play. Now with a new baby, the music is very soothing to him as well.

6. What do you find challenging about playing this instrument?

Reading music can be challenging when you don't play for a while. The interaction with your left and right hands, always moving and keeping with the rhythm.

7. What are your favorite musical pieces to play? Why?

The Entertainer, Doe a Deer.
I like to play current "pop" music so everyone can join in and enjoy.


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Last Modified: Friday, June 08, 2001