Daily Journal

2001 Iditarod Started ~~ Saturday March 3 ~~ 10:00 a.m. Anchorage
2001 Iditarod Ended ~~ Monday March 19 ~~ 10:53:16 a.m. Nome
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Pictures of the Day
Day 1

Time: 4:30 PM

Location: Regal Hotel, Anchorage

Hello, hello, hello!

I am finally here.  It seemed like a very long day.  The plane left Boston at 7 AM, but I had to get up at 5 to get ready.  I arrived in Anchorage at 2:30 PM (Alaska time.) Did I tell you that Alaska time is 4 hours different than Boston?  See if you can figure out how long I was traveling.

On the way here we passed over Yellowstone National Park.  I am sending you a photo of how it looked from the plane.   We landed for about an hour in Salt Lake City, and then continued to Anchorage on the same plane.   I also am sending you a photo of the nice welcome sign at the airport.   Do you notice the flags?  There is the great Alaskan flag of blue and gold, along with the national flag.

You are probably all in bed now, because it is 8:30 PM there.  I hope you had a wonderful day with Miss Nelson.

I am going to explore the hotel area and then gather with other teachers for dinner.  I have to go to bed early, because my workshop starts tomorrow morning at 7:30 AM.

We will be going to the Iditarod Race Headquarters in Wasilla to meet with the veterinarians and observe them checking the dogs for the race.  It is about 40 miles north of here.  Find it on the map. 

Later in the day we will visit the Plettner Kennels.  They have about 150 dogs!  The owners have both competed in the Iditarod, but are not entering this year.

I’m sure I will have many pictures for you tomorrow of those wonderful dogs! 

Happy Trails for now, from a very tired Mrs. McClintock!

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