SC Executive Session Minutes of 3/6/2007

Posted: August 17, 2007, by webmaster

MARCH 6, 2007

Present: Ms, Elizabeth Gibson, Chair
Mr. John Bowe, Secretary
Ms. Kathy Miller
Mr. Scott Stratford
Dr. Diane Stafford
Ms. Ann Rittenburg
Dr. Peter Holland, Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Patricia Aubin, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Dr. Gerald Missal, Director of Finance and Administration
Ms. Julia Silverman, Human Resources Manager (left at 7:30 p.m.)

Also present: Angelo Firenze, Board of Selectmen; Bob Martin, Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds;


1.1 Collective Bargaining

On a motion offered by Dr. Stafford and seconded by Mr. Stratford, it was

VOTED: unanimously, at 7:03 p.m., to enter Executive Session to discuss collective bargaining issues. 

On a motion offered by Mr. Bowe and seconded by Ms. Rittenburg, it was

VOTED: unanimously, at 7:28 p.m., to return to Open Session.


2.1 Call to Order

At 7:32 p.m., Ms. Gibson, Chairman of the School Committee, called the meeting to order in the Community Room of the Chenery Middle School.

2.2 Superintendent's Report  

Dr. Aubin announced achievements of student athletes at Belmont High School.  Dr. Holland reviewed the number of National Merit Semifinalists (10) for the 2006-2007 school year.  Dr. Holland noted that he had met with the new Chief of Police, Richard McLaughlin, and shared with the School Committee information on a proposed School Resource Officer.  The Superintendent provided the Committee with a schedule for the Director of Mathematics search.  He announced a number of events to take place during the month of March.  Dr. Holland also announced April 28, 2007 as the date for the annual Foundation for Belmont Education dinner, the theme of which is “Spring Time in Paris”.  He concluded by referencing an article from The Wall Street Journal on a family’s search for quality schooling.

2.3 Chairman's Report  

Ms. Gibson announced that initial funding amounts from the Governor’s budget were announced for Chapter 70, the Lottery, and Additional Assistance.

2.4 Citizens' Concerns  

Mr. Chris Tyrrell, parent of a Winn Brook Grade 1 student, requested that the School Committee consider the class size of the current Grade 1 classes at the Winn Brook School and remedy the large class size by adding another teacher to the Winn Brook faculty for Grade 2 in the 2007-2008 school year.

Ms. Ann Mahon asked the Committee if there were a plan to address an expected large audience at the March 10, 2007 meeting of the Selectmen, Warrant Committee, and School Committee.  Ms. Miller noted that this meeting is not a School Committee meeting.  It is a meeting called by the Selectmen and it would be their decision to move the meeting. 



4.1 Review of Elementary Playground Repairs - Exhibit  A

Dr. Missal provided the School Committee with a report on the status of three playgrounds:  Wellington, Butler, and Burbank.  He outlined for Committee members the maintenance issues that could be addressed by the School Department staff.  He highlighted those items that require significant funding for renovation.  The cost to the Wellington was listed as between forty and fifty thousand dollars. 

4.2 Continued FY 2008 Budget Discussions

a. Curriculum Development
b. Staff Development
c. Substitutes
d. Regular Transportation
e. Buildings & Grounds
f. Custodial
g. Utilities
h. Building Administration
i. Central Administration
j. Legal Services
k. School Committee
l. Contractual Allowance
m. Fringe Benefits
n. Revenue Offset

Dr. Missal reviewed for the Committee the final accounts to be discussed for the FY 2008 budget.  Committee members asked questions to clarify a variety of accounts. 

Committee members spoke of possible funding sources.  Although modest, revolving accounts in both the summer school for enrichment and the community education programs offer some one-time funding.  Ms. Gibson asked if the Committee needed to consider raising athletic fees.  Mr. Bowe asked about building rentals.  Ms. Miller urged caution regarding the activities fee noting that there are differences between club and athletic participation and that some students use athletics as a way to meet their physical education requirement. 

The Committee concluded its discussion by stating that the FY 2008 budget was not sufficient for the needs of the school system.

(Wellington Building Committee; ESCO; Communications & Community
Relations; Crofts Policy Revision; Technology Assessment & Funding;
Advisory Council for the Future Needs of Belmont High School; Capital
Budget Committee; Community Education; Council on Aging; EDCO Board;
ESCO Energy Study; Foundation for Belmont Education; Health Advisory
Committee; ITAC; Vision 21; Warrant Committee; Youth Commission) 

Mr. Bowe noted that the Wellington Building Committee was scheduled to meet on March 7, 2007.

Ms. Gibson announced that the Warrant Committee was scheduled to meet on March 7, 2007.

Mr. Stratford reminded the Committee about Belmont Unplugged and the Dinner Dance at CMS on March 31, 2007.


6.1 Consent Agenda
On a motion offered by Mr. Bowe and seconded by Ms. Rittenburg, it was

VOTED: unanimously, to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of:

a. Approval of Continued Student Exchange with Argentina - Exhibit B

6.2 Personnel Items - Informational

The following items were provided for the School Committee’s information:

a. Instructional Assignments - Exhibit  C
b. Completion of 6-month Probation Period - Exhibit  D
c. Retirements - Exhibit  E
d. Resignations - Exhibit  F
e. Extended Parenthood Leave of Absence - Exhibit  G
f. Career Leaves of Absence - Exhibit  H
g. Extracompensatory Positions - Exhibit  I

6.3 Business Items - None

6.4 Approval of Minutes

On a motion offered by Mr. Bowe and seconded by Ms. Miller, it was

VOTED: to approve the following Minutes as amended:

a. February 6, 2007
b. February 13, 2007


On a motion offered by Mr. Bowe and seconded by Ms. Rittenburg, it was

VOTED: unanimously, at 9:20 p.m., to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted by John Bowe, Secretary


EXECUTIVE SESSION: March 6, 2007 7:00 p.m. to 7:28 p.m.

RE: Collective Bargaining

Selectman Angelo Firenze joined the School Committee in its discussion of collective bargaining issues with Unit A.  No actions or votes were taken.  The Committee indicated its readiness to return to Open Session at 7:28 p.m..