SC Executive Session Minutes of 2/13/2007

Posted: August 17, 2007, by webmaster

FEBRUARY 13, 2007

Present: Ms, Elizabeth Gibson, Chair
Mr. John Bowe, Secretary
Ms. Kathy Miller
Mr. Scott Stratford
Dr. Diane Stafford
Ms. Ann Rittenburg
Dr. Peter Holland, Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Patricia Aubin, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Dr. Gerald Missal, Director of Finance and Administration
Ms. Julia Silverman, Human Resources Manager  (left at 7:30 p.m.)

Also present: Student Advisors:  Mark Howitt, Amanda Ota, Sophie Meyers, Mo Zhu.  Winn Brook School Principal Janet Carey, Butler School Principal Bruce MacDonald, Wellington School Principal Amy Wagner, Fine & Performing Director Bill Pappazisis, Director of Student Services Sally Smith, Assistant Director of Special Education Ken Kramer, and Director of Technology Lee McCanne, RE:  FY 2008 Budget;



1.1 Collective Bargaining

On a motion offered by Mr. Bowe and seconded by Dr. Stafford, it was

VOTED: unanimously, at 7:00 p.m., to enter Executive Session for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining issues.

On a motion offered by Mr. Bowe and seconded by Ms. Rittenburg, it was

VOTED: unanimously, at 7:00 p.m., to return to Open Session.


2.1 Call to Order

At 7:30 p.m., Ms. Gibson called the meeting to order in the Community Room of the Chenery Middle School.


1. Overview of Life at Belmont High School
a. Curriculum and Assessment
b. Student Life
c. Facilities

The students provided information on a survey of the student body at Belmont High School to determine student level of satisfaction with curriculum, student life, and facilities.


2.2 Superintendent's Report 

Dr. Holland asked Dr. Missal to provide an update on a heating system problem at the Wellington School.  At the Superintendent’s request, Dr. Aubin shared information on student awards in art and music.  Dr. Holland provided information on:  National History Day at Chenery Middle School, Diversity Week at Belmont High School, The METCO Caucus Breakfast rescheduled for March 1, 2007, and a February 28, 2007 program at Wheelock College entitled Conversations about Desegregation. 

2.3 Chairman's Report 

Ms. Gibson announced that the Warrant Committee meeting scheduled for February 14, 2007 was cancelled.  She announced meeting dates in March at which budget discussions specific to the School Department will take place.

2.4 Citizens' Concerns 

A Belmont High School parent shared her concerns about a change in practice regarding learning center enrollment.  Dr. Holland stated that he would contact Ms. Smith, Director of Student Services, and Mr. Harvey, Belmont High School Principal, to investigate the issue.

Mr. Andy Levin, parent of a Belmont High School student, spoke on behalf of the Ski Team.

Ms. Gail Gorman, a Wellington School parent, read a letter from parents to the School Committee requesting an additional Grade 2 teacher at the Wellington School for the 2007-2008 school year.

Lynn Findley, another Wellington School parent, brought to the attention of the Committee her serious concerns about the safety of the Wellington School Playground.  Dr. Missal responded with information about a study that has been commissioned to review the current status of school playgrounds.  He awaits the recommendations of the study to determine the next steps.



4.1 Review of School Lunch Program & Proposal for Price Increase - Exhibit  A

Dr. Missal presented information on the School Lunch Program including information on health and retirement costs for current employees.  He outlined the need for an increase in the price of a school lunch.

On a motion offered by Ms. Miller and seconded by Mr. Bowe, it was

VOTED: unanimously, to approved the following school lunch prices,
effective March 1, 2007:

Elementary Schools $2.25
Middle and High Schools $2.75
Teacher $3.50
10 ounce milk $0.75
HS breakfast $1.50

4.2 Continued FY 2008 Budget Discussions
a. Elementary 1-4
b. Fine Arts
c. Art
d. Music
e. Theater Arts
f. Kindergarten
g. Pre-Kindergarten
h. Special Education
i. Guidance
j. Psychological Services
k. Health Services
l. Library
m. Technology & AV

Dr. Missal reviewed with the Committee budget information on the above twelve programs.  Principals and curriculum directors were present to respond to questions from the Committee.

A discussion of the full-day kindergarten proposal took place.  Mr. MacDonald presented for the Committee and audience the School Department’s rationale for supporting a full-day kindergarten.  
Mr. Kramer, Assistant Director of Special Education, provided information on the Campus Program at Belmont High School.  Dr. Holland stated that he will invite Mr. Kramer and Ms. Smith, Director of Student Services, to a future meeting to provide information on The Bridge Program at the Wellington School, The Opportunity Program at the Chenery Middle School, and the Campus Program at Belmont High School.

Dr. McCanne responded to questions about technology needs for the schools.  Dr. Missal noted the significant decrease in funding from the original requests from administrators, to the requests from Dr. McCanne, to the eventual funding request in the proposed budget.

4.3 FY 2007 Budget Report, Second Quarter - Exhibit  B

Dr. Missal provided an overview of the second quarter budget report and responded to questions from the Committee.

(Wellington Building Committee; ESCO; Communications & Community
Relations; Crofts Policy Revision; Technology Assessment & Funding;
Advisory Council for the Future Needs of Belmont High School; Capital
Budget Committee; Community Education; Council on Aging; EDCO Board;
ESCO Energy Study; Foundation for Belmont Education; Health Advisory
Committee; ITAC; Vision 21; Warrant Committee; Youth Commission) 

Mr. Stratford reminded the Committee of the many events planned during March as a part of Belmont Unplugged.


6.1 Consent Agenda

On a motion offered by Mr. Bowe and seconded by Dr. Stafford, it was

VOTED: unanimously, to approved the following Consent
Agenda items:

a. Revised Job Description for Social Studies
   Curriculum Director - Exhibit  C                

b. Schedule for Search Process for Social
   Studies Curriculum Director - Exhibit  D  

6.2 Personnel Items - Informational

a. Retirements - Exhibit  E

b. Instructional Assignments - Exhibit  F

6.3 Business Items - None

6.4 Approval of Minutes - None


On a motion offered by Dr. Stafford and seconded by Mr. Bowe, it was

VOTED: unanimously, at 10:14 p.m. to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted by
John Bowe, Secretary


EXECUTIVE SESSION: February 13, 2007 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

RE: Collective Bargaining

No actions or votes were taken.  The Committee indicated its readiness to return to Open Session at 7:30 p.m.  Ms. Silverman left the meeting at the end of Executive Session.