SC Executive Session Minutes of May 13, 2008

Posted: June 30, 2008, by Cathy Grant

MAY 13, 2008

Present:      Mr. John Bowe, Chair
            Dr. Diane Stafford, Secretary
            Ms. Elizabeth Gibson
            Ms. Ann Rittenburg
            Ms. Leslie Walker
            Ms. Laurie Graham
            Dr. Peter Holland, Superintendent of Schools
            Dr. Patricia Aubin, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
            Dr. Gerald Missal, Director of Finance and Administration      

      At 6:33 p.m. Mr. Bowe called a meeting of the Belmont School Committee to order.

      On a motion offered by Dr. Stafford and seconded by Ms. Gibson, it was:

      VOTED:  unanimously to enter executive session for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining. Ms. Rittenburg and Ms. Walker were absent for this vote.

      2.1      Call to Order                                   

      At 7:00 p.m., Mr. Bowe, Chairman of the Committee, called the meeting to order in the Community Room of the Chenery Middle School.

      2.2      Superintendent's Report                         

            a.      Presentation of President’s Volunteer Service
                  Awards to Belmont High School Seniors

      Mr. Bowe and Dr. Holland presented Presidential Service Awards to 43 Belmont High School seniors.

            b.      Student Advisory Council Meeting                                                
                  1.        Introduction of New Council Members
                        (Sharon Kelleher - ‘09; Jang Yoon - ’10;
                        Yong Yoon - ’10; & returning members
                        Amanda Ota - 08; & Mark Howitt - ’08)

                  2.      Report on Goals

      Two new council members were introduced.  Students reported on this year’s goals.

            c.      Maeve Goulding Remembrance

      Family and friends of Maeve Goulding presented plans for a permanent memorial for Maeve at the Burbank School. 

      On a motion offered by Dr. Stafford and seconded by Ms. Gibson, it was:

      VOTED:      unanimously to approve the use of space at the Burbank School to establish a remembrance for Maeve Goulding. 

      Ms. Walker was not present for the vote.

      Dr. Holland continued his report.  He referenced a Boston Globe article on the teaching of Chinese, the Foundation for Belmont Education support for smart boards and the Learning Excellence Grants, the status of passing MCAS scores for BHS seniors, promised additional support for METCO in the state budget, and the upcoming Memorial Day Exercises.  Dr. Aubin announced student awards.  Dr. Missal announced a recent award for Bob Martin, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds.
      2.3      Chairman's Report

      Mr. Bowe congratulated Michael Harvey on the successful completion of his doctoral studies.  He announced the expenditure of the Kendall Funds for the art room initiative and he announced Brendan’s Home Run on June 15, 2008.
      2.4      Citizens' Concerns - None

      4.1      Special Education Overview – Exhibit A

      Mr. Kramer provided the School Committee with an update on special education enrollments and services.
      4.2      Report on Special Education Survey – Exhibit B
      Stephanie Woerner and Amanda Green presented the results of a BSEAC designed survey intended to measure parent satisfaction with special education services. 

      4.3      Appointment of Director of Student Services

      Dr. Holland recommended the appointment of Ken Kramer as the Director of Student Services.  Mr. Kramer has been serving in the capacity on an interim basis.

      On a motion offered by Ms. Gibson and seconded by Ms. Rittenburg, it was:

      VOTED:      unanimously to appoint Mr. Kramer to the position of Director of Student Services.
      4.4      FY2008 Budget Report as of April 30th – Exhibit C                       

      Dr. Missal reviewed with the Committee the third quarter budget report for the FY 2008 budget.
      4.5      Review of FY2008 Budget Process                                               
5.      REPORT OF SUBCOMMITTEES/LIAISONS                       
      Comments were made on the Capital Budget Committee, the Warrant Committee, and the EDCO Committee.


      6.1      Consent Agenda                             
            a.      Approval of School Committee Certificate Awards
                     for High Achievement - Seniors & Undergraduates -
                     Confidential Exhibits  D-1 & D-2 
            b.      Approval of Resolutions - Exhibit  E

            c.      Bid Awards – Exhibit F-1, 2, & 3
                  a.      Art Supplies – Exhibit F-1
                  b.      Physical Education & Athletics – Exhibit F-2
                  c.      Medical Supplies & Materials – Exhibit F-3

      On a motion offered by Dr. Stafford and seconded by Ms. Rittenburg, it was

      VOTED:      unanimously, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.     
      6.2      Personnel Items - Informational

      The following items were presented for the School Committee’s information:

            a.      Resignations - Exhibit  G
            b.      Instructional Assignments 2007-2008 - Exhibit  H
            c.      Instructional Assignments 2008-2009 - Exhibit  I     
            d.      Instructional Change of Assignments - Exhibit  J
      6.3      Business Items - None

      6.4      Approval of Minutes - None


      At 10:41 p.m. the School Committee left open session to return to executive session and announced that they would not return to open session.


                              Respectfully submitted by                              
                                    Diane Stafford, Secretary