School Committee Minutes of January 15, 2008

Posted: March 21, 2008, by Cathy Grant

JANUARY 15, 2008

Present:      Ms, Elizabeth Gibson, Chair
            Mr. John Bowe, Secretary
            Ms. Leslie Walker
            Mr. Scott Stratford
            Dr. Diane Stafford
            Ms. Ann Rittenburg
            Dr. Peter Holland, Superintendent of Schools
            Dr. Patricia Aubin, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
            Dr. Gerald Missal, Director of Finance and Administration
            Ms. Julia Silverman, Human Resources Manager

1.      EXECUTIVE SESSION                                   

      1.1      Collective Bargaining

      At 7:04 p.m. Mr. Bowe called to order a meeting of the Belmont School Committee.

      On a motion offered by Mr. Stratford and seconded by Ms. Rittenburg, it was

      VOTED:      5-0 to enter executive session for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining issues.  Ms. Walker was not present for the vote.  Ms. Walker joined the Committee in executive session.


      2.1      Call to Order                                   

      At 7:35 p.m. Mr. Bowe announced to the public that the School Committee was returning to open session.

      2.2      Superintendent's Report                         

      Dr. Holland provided comments on the following topics:

      The advice of school counsel on the control of land for which the School committee has responsibility.

      A gift of furniture for the music program from Sandy Kendall

      Recognition of Laura Jean from the College Board for her participation as an AP Reader

      Recognition of Dr. Missal for his community service contributions.

      Actions taken following an accident in a chemistry lab at Belmont High School

      2.3      Chairman's Report
      Mr. Bowe urged neighbors to clear their sidewalks to assist students’ walking to school.  He announced that the Foundation for Belmont Education will hold its Spelling Bee on February 9, 2008.  He responded to a question from an interested citizen who wanted to know how to support the schools.  Mr. Bowe suggested that if citizens wanted to support the schools, one way is to become a Town Meeting Member.

      2.4      Citizens' Concerns - None




      4.1      Update on Technology – Exhibit A                  

      Dr. McCanne provided an update on technology activities for the system.  He included information on:  the TARP Plan, Projects for computer purchase and dissemination, Current Projects including the new BPS Website, Teacher Net, and Smart Board installation.  He concluded his presentation with comments on looking forward to the next set of technology challenges.

      4.2      Preliminary FY 2009 Budget Proposal – Exhibit B                 

      Dr. Holland Dr. Missal provided an overview of the FY 2009 budget for the Belmont Public Schools.

      4.3      FY 2009 Capital Budget Requests – Exhibit C                       

      Dr. Missal presented a draft document that outlined capital budget requests.  Dr. Missal asked the Committee to share comments and suggestions for change.  However, he also requested that the Committee approve sharing the draft document of capital budget requests with the Capital Budget Committee at its next meeting.

      On a motion offered by Mr. Stratford and seconded by Mr. Bowe, it was

      VOTED:      unanimously to approve capital budget requests as requested with the understanding that the list may be subject to further revisions prior to finalizing the budget. (6-0)

5.      REPORT OF SUBCOMMITTEES/LIAISONS                       
      (Wellington Building Committee; ESCO; Communications & Community
      Relations; Crofts Policy Revision; Technology Assessment & Funding;
      Advisory Council for the Future Needs of Belmont High School; Capital
      Budget Committee; Community Education; Council on Aging; EDCO Board;
      ESCO Energy Study; Foundation for Belmont Education; Health Advisory
      Committee; ITAC; Vision 21; Warrant Committee; Youth Commission) 

      Mr. Stratford reported that the “Blueprint Group” had met to discuss a proposed consolidation of technology services between the school and the Town.

      Dr. Stafford noted that the Capital Budget Committee will meet on Thursday, January 17, 2008.

      Ms. Gibson reported that at the most recent Warrant Committee, members discussed the use of funds left in the CMS Building Fund.

      Mr. Stratford noted that the Belmont Youth Commission will hold a “kick off dance” on March 1, 2008 to begin  the Belmont Unplugged Program.  March 11, 2008 is the homework free night.


      6.1      Consent Agenda
            a.      School Committee Policy on English as the Language of Instruction
      On a motion offered by Mr. Stratford and seconded by Dr. Stafford, it was

      VOTED:      unanimously to approve the consent agenda. (6-0)                                                     




      6.2      Personnel Items - Informational

      The following items were presented for the Committee’s information:

            a.      Instructional Assignments – Exhibit D     
            b.      Non-Instructional Assignments – Exhibit E
            c.      Non-Instructional Change of Assignments – Exhibit F
            d.      Appointment to Extra Compensatory Position – Exhibit G
            e.      Non-Instructional (Six Month Probation Period Complete) – Exhibit H     
      6.3      Business Items - None
      6.4      Approval of Minutes

            a.      December 11, 2008                             

      On a motion offered by Ms. Walker and seconded by Ms. Rittenburg, it was

      VOTED:      4-0 to approve the minutes of the December 11, 2007 School Committee Meeting.  Mr. Stratford and Dr. Stafford did not vote because they were not present at the December 11, 2007 meeting.

      At 9:26 p.m. the School Committee returned to executive session and announced that they would not return to open session. On a motion from Dr. Stafford and seconded by Ms. Rittenburg, the Committee adjourned from executive session at 9:55 p.m.


                              Respectfully submitted by                              
                                    Diane Stafford, Secretary