SC Executive Session Minutes 1/23/07

Posted: July 19, 2007, by webmaster

JANUARY 23, 2007

Present: Ms, Elizabeth Gibson, Chair
Mr. John Bowe, Secretary
Ms. Kathy Miller
Mr. Scott Stratford
Dr. Diane Stafford
Ms. Ann Rittenburg
Dr. Peter Holland, Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Patricia Aubin, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Dr. Gerald Missal, Director of Finance and Administration

Also present: Selectman Angelo Firenze for Executive Session; Warrant Committee Subcommittee on Education Chair Phil Curtis; Annie Warner, BHS Student Senate Advisor to School Committee


1.1 Collective Bargaining

On a motion offered by Dr. Stafford and seconded by Mr. Stratford, it was

VOTED: unanimously, at 7:03 p.m., to enter Executive Session for the purposes
of discussing collective bargaining issues.

On a motion offered by Dr. Stafford and seconded by Ms. Rittenburg, it was

VOTED: unanimously, at 7:31 p.m., to return to Open Session.


2.1 Call to Order

At 7:35 p.m., Ms. Gibson called the meeting to order in the Community Room of the Chenery Middle School.

2.2 Superintendent's Report 

Dr. Holland began his report with comments on the tragic death of a student at Lincoln Sudbury High School.  He continued his report with comments on a recent superintendent’s meeting at which research on the value of good leadership from the superintendent and school principals was addressed.  The Superintendent asked Mr. Stratford to comment on the newly published Community Education Program booklet for spring 2007.

2.3 Chairman's Report

Ms. Gibson announced that on Saturday, February 3, 2007, the Foundation for Belmont Education is sponsoring a student spelling bee for students in grades K-6.  She reported on a recent meeting at EDCO attended by Ms. Miller and herself at which Department of Education representative Roger Hatch reviewed the new format for explaining per pupil expenditures.

2.4 Citizens' Concerns - None  



4.1 Presentation of FY 2008 Budget to School Committee

Dr. Holland and Dr. Missal presented highlights of the proposed FY 2008 budget for the School Committee. Committee members commented on a number of areas that might require additional attention such as:  accountability and oversight issues and the need for administrative support; the demand of new student success plans at Belmont High School for students who do not meet the proficient performance level; textbook needs; class size issues; and clarification of aide costs. 

Mr. Phil Curtis, Warrant Committee Subcommittee on Education Chair, asked questions about the full-day kindergarten proposal, the new Guidance Director position, proposed salaries for newly requested FTEs, and the 10% increase in out-of-district tuition costs.  Mr. Stratford shared his disappointment at the low level of funding for technology, and Ms. Rittenburg requested additional information on the proposed full-day kindergarten.

4.2 Schedule for FY 2008 Budget Review Process - Exhibit  A

The meeting schedule was presented but a number of questions regarding particular meetings require that the schedule be redrafted and returned to the Committee for its consideration.  Of particular interest was the determination of a Public Hearing date at which the School Committee will present its budget to the public.

4.3 Review of Capital Budget Requests - Exhibit  B

Dr. Missal responded to questions from Committee members regarding the Capital Budget Requests and took note of their comments and concerns.  Much of the conversation revolved around the inadequate funding for technology needs and the need to clarify budgetary responsibility for these requests.

(Wellington Building Committee; ESCO; Communications & Community
Relations; Crofts Policy Revision; Technology Assessment & Funding;
Advisory Council for the Future Needs of Belmont High School; Capital
Budget Committee; Community Education; Council on Aging; EDCO Board;
ESCO Energy Study; Foundation for Belmont Education; Health Advisory
Committee; ITAC; Vision 21; Warrant Committee; Youth Commission) 

Ms. Gibson advised that a Warrant Committee meeting was scheduled for January 24, 2007 and that Dr. Holland and Dr. Missal would be attending to provide budget information.  Most members indicated that they would be able to attend.

Mr. Stratford reported on the activities of the Youth Commission and reminded the Committee and the public of Belmont Unplugged scheduled for March 14 and the many activities that will take place in March.


6.1 Consent Agenda

On a motion offered by Mr. Stratford and seconded by Dr. Stafford, it was

VOTED: unanimously, to approve the Consent Agenda, consisting of the
following items:

a. Approval of Noncontractual Salary Change - Confidential Exhibit  C

b. Approval of Resources Savings Policy (Second Reading) - (Exhibit  A
   from 1/9/07)

6.2 Personnel Items - Informational

The following information was provided for the School Committee’s information:

a. Instructional Assignments - Exhibit  D
b. Instructional Change of Assignment - Exhibit  E
c. Non-Instructional Assignments - Exhibit  F
d. Retirements - Exhibit  G
e. Resignations - Exhibit  H
f. Extracompensatory Assignments - Exhibit  I

6.3 Business Items - None

6.4 Approval of Minutes - None


On a motion offered by Mr. Bowe and seconded by Mr. Stafford, it was

VOTED: unanimously, at 9:35 p.m., to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully submitted by
John Bowe, Secretary


EXECUTIVE SESSION: January 23, 2007 7:03 p.m. to 7:31 p.m.

RE: Collective Bargaining

Selectman Angelo Firenze joined the School Committee in its discussion of collective bargaining issues with Unit A.