SC Executive Session Minutes of 4/10/2007 (REGULAR MEETING)

Posted: August 17, 2007, by webmaster

APRIL 10, 2007

Present: Mr. John Bowe, Chair
Dr. Diane Stafford, Secretary (arrived at 7:35 p.m.)
Mr. Scott Stratford
Ms. Elizabeth Gibson
Ms. Ann Rittenburg
Ms. Leslie Walker
Dr. Peter Holland, Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Patricia Aubin, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Dr. Gerald Missal, Director of Finance and Administration
Ms. Julia Silverman, Human Resources Manager (left at 7:35 p.m)

Also present: Denis Fitzpatrick, Director of English; Sally Smith, Director of Student Services; Ken Kramer, Assistant Director of Special Education;


1.1 Collective Bargaining

On a motion offered by Ms. Walker and seconded by Mr. Bowe, it was

VOTED: unanimously, at 7:04 p.m., to enter Executive Session for the
purposes of discussing collective bargaining issues.

On a motion offered by Ms. Rittenburg and seconded by Ms. Walker, it was

VOTED: at 7:32 p.m., to return to Open Session.


2.1 Call to Order

At 7:42 p.m., Mr. Bowe, Chairman of the Committee, called the regular meeting to order in the Community Room of the Chenery Middle School.
2.2 Superintendent's Report

Dr. Holland reported on a recent administrative retreat during which the administrative team met with six members of the Belmont Police Department including Chief McLaughlin.  Dr. Holland and Chief McLaughlin led the discussion of safety procedures for the schools as well as a schedule of practice lock downs for Belmont High School and Chenery Middle School. 

Dr. Holland announced that he had received a draft report from the Department of Education regarding the recent Coordinated Program Review.  He thanked Sally Smith, Julie Silverman, Denis Fitzpatrick, and Dr. Aubin for their hard work in preparing for the Review. 

Dr. Aubin clarified information reported at a recent Warrant Committee meeting regarding information on the census as a predictor of Kindergarten numbers and information on text book purchases by the PTO of Belmont High School. 

2.3 Chairman's Report

Mr. Bowe welcomed new School Committee member Ms. Leslie Walker.  He thanked the Committee for entrusting to him the position of School Committee Chair.  He expressed gratitude to his family for their support and their tolerance of the many hours of meeting time he devotes to School Committee business.

Mr. Bowe reminded the public of the Foundation for Belmont Education dinner on April 28, 2007.  He also noted that the FBE earns money when members of the public make use of the Belmont Center UPS.  He reported that the Town was grateful for the use of the Burbank School for a voting site.  However, he alerted Committee members that traffic problems might occur in a larger election.  Mr. Bowe announced that the School Committee section of the Belmont Public Schools web site will be updated with member bios and pictures.  He reported that Ralph Jones is soliciting suggestions for people to serve on the Warrant Committee.  Mr. Bowe advised that the Town Security Committee is interested in meeting with the School Committee in executive session and he asked Dr. Holland to contact the Town Manager for a possible time.  Committee members agreed that June 26, 2007 will be the last School Committee meeting for this school year.  Mr. Stratford reminded the Committee of the need to schedule a hearing on the budget.
2.4 Citizens' Concerns - None 



4.1 Plan of Action - English - Exhibit  A

Mr. Fitzpatrick presented a new Plan of Action for the English Language Arts, Reading, and English Language Learner Programs. 

4.2 Belmont High School Project Update - Exhibit  B

Dr. Missal presented an update on the proposed request to the State for funds for a new science wing at Belmont High School.  A statement of interest will need to be submitted and voted.  The Committee agreed to direct the administration to develop a statement of interest. 

4.3 Report on Special Education Services at BHS - Exhibit  C

Ms. Sally Smith, Mr. Ken Kramer, and Mr. Michael Harvey were present to share with members of the School Committee proposals for improving the range of services offered to students with special needs at Belmont High School.

4.4 Continued Discussions of FY 2008 Budget

Committee members continued their discussion of the FY 2008 budget.  Ms. Gibson reported on comments made at the Warrant Committee meeting.  The School Committee was asked to present tiers of spending should the School Department budget be funded beyond a level service budget.  Committee members agreed to use funds for an Assistant Network Manager as their top priority.  A second tier would include a full-day kindergarten pilot at one school.  A third tier would add a second full-day kindergarten pilot.  A fourth tier would add a Director of Guidance and Testing.  A fifth tier would delete the Director of Guidance and add two full-day kindergarten programs.  The last tier requests total funding.

Dr. Stafford and Ms. Walker stated their interest in reviewing the Athletic Department budget for the purposes of providing some funding for the ski team.  Mr. Bowe asked about increases in fees as well as charges for room rentals.
4.5 Approval of Last Day of School - 2006-2007 - Exhibit  D

On a motion offered by Dr. Stafford and seconded by Mr. Bowe, it was

VOTED:  unanimously to approve June 18, 2007 as the last day of school.

4.6 Approval of 2007-2008 School Calendar - Exhibit  E

Dr. Holland presented to the Committee a corrected calendar for the 2007-2008 school year.  


(Wellington Building Committee; ESCO; Communications & Community Relations; Crofts Policy Revision; Technology Assessment & Funding; Advisory Council for the Future Needs of Belmont High School; Capital
Budget Committee; Community Education; Council on Aging; EDCO Board; ESCO Energy Study; Foundation for Belmont Education; Health Advisory Committee; ITAC; Vision 21; Warrant Committee; Youth Commission) 

Mr. Stratford presented an update on the recent work of the Warrant Committee.

Ms. Rittenburg announced a photo contest sponsored by the Vision Committee.

Mr. Bowe reported that the Capital Budget Committee is working on the approval of warrant articles and the prioritization of requests.


6.1 Consent Agenda

On a motion offered by Dr. Stafford and seconded by Ms. Rittenburg, it was

VOTED: unanimously, to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of:

a. METCO Transportation Contract Award for 2007, 2008,
& 2009 - Exhibit  F

b. Approval of Boosters Club Carnival, June 4-10, 2007 -
Exhibit  G

c. Award of Bids - Exhibit H

1.) Boiler/Burner Repairs
2.) Door Repairs
3.) Driver Education
4.) Electrical Repairs
5.) Elevator Repairs
6.) Fresh Pizza
7.) Glass Repairs
8.) HVAC Repairs
9.) Lock Repairs
10.) Plumbing Repairs
11.) Student & Athletic Insurance

6.2 Personnel Items - Informational

The following items were presented for the School Committee’s information:

a. Teachers Returning from Leave - Exhibit  I
b. Instructional Assignments - Exhibit  J  
c. Instructional Change of Assignments - Exhibit  K
c. Leaves of Absence - Exhibit  L
d. Extracompensatory Positions - Exhibit  M

6.3 Business Items - None

6.4 Approval of Minutes

On a motion offered by Mr. Stratford and seconded by Ms. Rittenburg, it was

VOTED: unanimously, to approve the following Minutes as amended:

a. March 6, 2007
b. March 20, 2007
c. March 27, 2007


On a motion offered by Mr. Stratford and seconded by Ms. Rittenburg, it was

VOTED: unanimously, at 10:05 p.m., to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted by
Diane Stafford, Secretary


EXECUTIVE SESSION: April 10, 2007 7:00 p.m. to 7:32 p.m.

RE: Collective Bargaining

School Committee discussed collective bargaining issues with Unit A and the Secretaries Association.  No actions or votes were taken.  The Committee indicated its readiness to return to Open Session at 7:32 p.m..