Welcome To Our First Grade

Love, Ms. LaRoche    J

Belmont is a lovely town in Massachusetts. We will find  Massachusetts on the gigantic United States quilt map hanging just outside of our classroom!

Ms. Oteri is our secretary.

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Hello, first graders!  This is our school.  It is called the Winn Brook School. We will share many happy and exciting learning adventures
together this year! 

We have many wonderful people who work at the Winn Brook School.  Ms. Carey is our principal, Ms. Oteri is our secretary, Ms. Shaughnessy is our nurse and Mr. Daye is our custodian.  They are very smart and very kind! They work with all of the children, staff and parents at the Winn Brook School and they help to make it a special place to grow and to learn.

Ms. Carey is our principal.

Ms. Shaughnessy is our nurse.

Mr. Daye our custodian.