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Dear First Graders,

Hi! Here are some musical instrument detective clues for you to solve by yourself. You may want to share the clues with your friends and family to help them solve the orchestral riddles, too. Have fun!


Ms. LaRoche


1. I am in the percussion family. I have a keyboard. My large wooden body has strings attached to a metal frame. I am a ____________________. (Answer)


2. I am in the string family. I am a bowed instrument with four strings. The pegs on my head are used to tune my strings. Musicians use a bow to play me. I am a ___________________. (Answer)


3. I am in the brass family. I have a long tube that bends twice. I have a slide that musicians lengthen or shorten to change my pitch. I am a __________________. (Answer)


4. I am in the woodwind family. I have a tubular body with a double reed mouthpiece. My keys are pressed to make different sounds when you blow into my mouthpiece. I am a _____________. (Answer)


5. I am in the Keyboard family. I have wire attached to a wooden frame. I was first built and played in the 1500's and was most popular during the Renaissance, Baroque and Classical periods. I am a __________ . (Answer)


6. I am in the percussion family. I have wooden bars cut in different sizes. Each wooden bar makes a different tone. My bars are hit with small hammers. I am a ______________________. (Answer)


7. I am in the string family. My strings are plucked to produce tones. My pedals stretch and tune the strings to make different sounds. I lean on the musician when I am played. I am a _________________. (Answer)


8. I am in the brass family. I have a wide flared bell and a narrow coiled tube. Sometimes a musician puts his or her hand inside my bell to change my pitch. I am a _______________. (Answer)


9. I am in the woodwind family. I have finger holes or keys on my body. My mouthpiece is on my side. My musician plays me by holding me horizontally. I am a _________________. (Answer)


10. I am in the keyboard family. I am an air-driven instrument. I have one or more rows of individual pipes. I was the first keyboard instrument ever invented. I am an _______________. (Answer)


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Name That Tune!

© 2001 Donna LaRoche & Marco Ambrosoli
Last Modified: Wednesday, May 09, 2001