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R & VG Duet


V. & R. G.V. & R. G.Musical Morning - Friday, April 27

(Click on pictures to view full size)

1. Name of Instrument: Piano

2. Instrument Family: ?? (string or percussion??)

3. At what age did you start studying music?

I was 5 years old and in kindergarten. R started when he was 5 and in Pre-K.

4. Why did you choose this instrument?

I didn't really choose it, my parents just started me in lessons. Both my mother and my older sister played piano, and it was just assumed that I would learn too. Later, when I was in third grade, I also started learning to play the violin.

5. Why do you enjoy playing this instrument?

The piano is fun because you can play by yourself (unlike other solo instruments like the violin, where most of the repertoire requires piano accompaniment, or orchestra). There is so much piano repertoire, at all levels of difficulty. I also enjoy it because I have done some accompanying, including with some choral groups I've sung in. If you're learning to sing a new piece, it is very helpful to be able to play the piece on the piano. However, one thing I don't like about the piano is that it is not (usually) part of an orchestra. I really enjoyed playing the violin in orchestras while in high school.

6. What do you find challenging about playing this instrument?

It's hard because you have 10 fingers and each one has to be doing something different. Sometimes it's hard to coordinate your left and right hands. However, all the notes are there (unlike the violin) and you don't need to worry about tuning.

7. What are your favorite musical pieces to play? Why?

On the piano, I enjoy Bach and Chopin the most. Bach because I like early music, and Chopin because I like the melodic lines and rhythm.

Mom and Me


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Name That Tune!

© 2001 Donna LaRoche & Marco Ambrosoli
Last Modified: Tuesday, May 29, 2001