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Musical Mornings
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Room 100            8:50 - 9:10 daily

Our Musical Mornings will provide opportunities for family and friends to actively contribute to and participate in our special learning adventure. Please plan to share your musical enthusiasm and/or expertise with us from 8:55-9:10 a.m. daily. Interested participants are encouraged to complete and submit the parent participation survey online or hard copy via your children. Interested parents will be photographed with the school digital camera and the picture will be posted on this web site. Camera shy parents and friends are welcome to participate, too! Photos of student musicians participating in the Musical Mornings will not be posted to ensure student confidentiality.

Participation Survey

1. Musician's Name:
2. Musician's Email:
3. Name of Instrument(s):
4. Instrument Family:
5. At what age did you start studying
music and playing your instrument?
years old.
6. Why did you choose this
particular instrument?
7. Why do you enjoy playing
this instrument?
8. What did or do you find challenging
about playing this instrument?
9. What are your favorite musical
pieces to play? Why?
10. I wish to participate in
the Musical Mornings:
Yes No
11. Dates Available:
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
12. Additional Comments:

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Name That Tune!

© 2001 Donna LaRoche & Marco Ambrosoli
Last Modified: Tuesday, May 29, 2001