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Music Near and Far

Dear First Graders,

Here's a fun estimating and measuring game that you can play with your family and/or friends in lots of different rooms in your house.

Print this page and fill it in!

Name: _____________________________

1. Stand or sit in different locations facing your stereo, tape recorder, alarm clock radio or boombox.

2. Estimate the distance (inches and feet) between you and the source of music.

3. Measure the distance (inches and feet) using a variety of measuring instruments (parts of your body - arms, legs, feet, rulers, yardstick, tape measures, string, yarn . . .)

4. Record your findings.

Location: ________________________________________________________

Estimate: ________________________________________________________

Measure: ________________________________________________________


Location: ________________________________________________________

Estimate: ________________________________________________________

Measure: ________________________________________________________


Location: ________________________________________________________

Estimate: ________________________________________________________

Measure: ________________________________________________________


Location: ________________________________________________________

Estimate: ________________________________________________________

Measure: ________________________________________________________


What did you discover?

Complete this musical measuring activity and bring it to school to share with our class! Have fun!

Love, Ms. LaRoche


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Name That Tune!

© 2001 Donna LaRoche & Marco Ambrosoli
Last Modified: Thursday, May 03, 2001