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C.A. - Piano

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C.A.C.A.Musical Morning - Friday, May 18

(Click on pictures to view full size)

1. Name of Instrument: Piano

2. Instrument Family: Keyboard

3. At what age did you start studying music?


4. Why did you choose this instrument?

When I was in preschool, I used to have favorite songs and I found the keys for the song and finally I decided to play the piano. The piano has lots of keys so you don't have to worry about where the keys are because there is an octave right in front of you and then there is another octave and on and on. One side is higher and the other side is lower.

5. Why do you enjoy playing this instrument?

I know that when I play for other people, they are going to like my songs. I love to play the piano and I practice for one hour a day!

6. What do you find challenging about playing this instrument?

One side of your brain has to think about your right hand and the other side of your brain has to think about your left hand. So, you have to think about two things at the same time.

7. What are your favorite musical pieces to play? Why?

Beethoven because it sort of swings. Kuhlau because it has lots of staccatos! Bach because it is peaceful. I like to play lots of Armenian songs because my favorite part is that most of the Armenian songs have G, F-sharp, E and then D and that is a pretty solo.

8. Additional Comments:

Once you know music really well, you get to play it in the real rhythm and it's really fun for your hands!


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Last Modified: Saturday, June 09, 2001