
1. Review longitude, latitude, prime meridian, equator, cardinal and ordinal directions with students. 


2. The child who is selected to be “It” chooses one QSL Card from the class collection. 


3. The class asks questions to guess where the QSL Card is from.  The child who is “It” is only able to answer yes or no to the questions from classmates.


4. Sample questions might include . .  .

· Are you a continent?

· Are you a country?

· Are you an island country?

· Are you a land-locked country?

· Are you north of the equator in the Northern Hemisphere?

· Are you south of the equator in the Southern Hemisphere?

· Are you west of the prime meridian in the Western Hemisphere?

· Are you east of the prime meridian in the Eastern Hemisphere?

· Are you north of ______ degrees latitude?

· Are you south of ______ degrees latitude?

· Are you east of _______ degrees longitude?

· Are you west of _______ degrees longitude?


5. Students will keep asking questions until the absolute and/or relative location of the QSL Card has been identified.


6.  Play often . . . the children really enjoy this guessing game and they develop a terrific knowledge of sites and sights round the world!  J

©Natasha Bochkov, M.C.S., Martin Bayes, Ph.D., and Donna LaRoche, M.Ed.

Where in the World is That QSL Card From?

By Donna LaRoche


QSL Cards

World Maps

Atlas Books