Name:  __________________________________________________


Mapping American Hams Here and There

10 USA Call Districts


Hello HAMsters and Friends! 


Research the letters and numbers on your 8 selected QSL cards using our wonderful class collection of QSL cards* and this 10 USA Call District Map.    Remember that the first letter of a US call sign will always be A, K, N or W so if you have a QSL card that doesn’t begin with A, K, N, or W it is from another country and you will want to choose a different QSL card for this lesson.


The letters before the number are the call sign prefix and the letters after the numbers are the call sign suffix.  The number in a US call sign shows the district where the call sign was first awarded.  Sometimes hams move after they earn their license so the call sign many not really tell you where the ham lives now!  On the back of this sheet, record and tally the call districts from each of your QSL cards.   What did you discover?  What are you wondering?

Have fun!


73 and 88,

Ms. LaRoche



*(Note:  Site visitors may want to download and print QSL cards  at

 for your students to enjoy this lesson, too.)


10 USA Call Districts

Map Source:  American Radio Relay League

District 1

District 2

District 3

District 4

District 5

District 6

District 7

District 8

District 9

District 10