©Natasha Bochkov, M.C.S., Martin Bayes, Ph.D., and Donna LaRoche, M.Ed.

“The rain forest is an important place on Earth.  Ham radio people can send messages from far away places about saving the rain forest.” - Adrien

“When you have friends your life is very good.  Ham radio studiers can communicate with people all the way on the other side of the world!” -Will

“Ham radio is cool because you get to talk to people all around the world on awesome machines.  The world has lots of nice hams and hamsters who are respectful and kind.”

- Grady

“Ham radio is so exciting because I never studied it before and I never even knew about it before Ms. LaRoche taught me.  You can use Morse Code and speak to people who don’t even know your language!” -Thomas

“My dad knows Morse Code because his dad used to be a ham radio operator.  The world is special to me because of the animals that live in it.  We wouldn’t be alive without the world.”  –Austin