Ms. LaRoche’s First Grade HAMsters’ Imaginary

“Call Signs”, 2005-2006


(Note: Alphanumerical groups after names of hams are their U.S. Federal Communications Commission or foreign government-issued amateur radio license call signs.  Ms. Donna LaRoche, KB1LWY, teacher of the first grade HAMsters, is a licensed ham. Our class created these imaginary call signs by using the United States prefix and the children’s initials!)


Nicole:  KB1NA

Danielle:  KB1DB

Zachary:  KB1ZB

Allie:  KB1AB

Drew:  KB1DB

Peter:  KB1PC


Grace:  KB1GC

Liz:  KB1LD

Elizabeth:  KB1ED

Julia: KB1JD

Xavier:  KB1XH

Brianna:  KB1BJ

Daniel:  KB1DL


Sarah:  KB1SL

Nathaniel:  KB1NL

Kevin:  KB1KM

Katie:  KB1KS

Ricky:  KB1RS


Danielle:  KB1DV

Eric:  KB1EV

Jasper:  KB1JW

©Natasha Bochkov, M.C.S., Martin Bayes, Ph.D., and Donna LaRoche, M.Ed.