Pictures from Alaska

The pictures are large in size. It will take time to download them. If you roll over the thumbnails you will be able to see large picture in the middle window.

...a picture of the checkers seeing that all of his equipment was in the sled. 
You can see all the booties in there! They supposedly go through about 1000 on this trip!
We had to cross over the Alaska range and it was amazing. ...the meandering river across on the other side
Nikolai checkpoint We toured the building  but didn’t see the kids because  they had already gone home.  I included a picture, though, of the kids. ... the mushers taking care of their dogs - bedding them down, massaging their feet and feeding them. They are so tender and loving. of the motivators for the mushers, in my opinion, is the beauty of the outdoors. Another is their love for their dogs.


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